Labour Requirement For Various Building Works


The table below shows the recommended labour requirement for various civil engineering/building/construction works:  Bhisti Means Water Carrier

S.No. Description of work Unit Labour Recommended constant in days. Remarks
1) Excavation over areas (hard/dense soil),depth up to 1.5m and removal (up to one meter from edge) M3 Mate 0.06 _
Labour 0.62 _
2) Excavation in trenches (soft/ loose soil),for foundations not exceeding 1.5m in width and for shafts, wells, cesspits and the like, not exceeding 10m3 and on plan, depth up to 1.5m and removal(up to one meter away from edge) M3 Mate 0.05 _
Labour 0.5 _
3) Returning, filling and ramming of excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, watering, well ramming and leveling, lead up to 50m M3 Mate 0.02 _
Labour 0.25 _
Bhisti 0.02 _
4) Concrete : M3 Labour 0.5 _
Mixing by machine (mixer) at banker, cement concrete(with 20mm graded coarse aggregate) Bhisti 0.1 _
Mixer operator 0.07 _
Mixer 0.07 _
5) Mixer mixed cement concrete M3 mason 0.1 _
Labour 1.63 _
bhisti 0.7 _
mixer operator 0.07 _
mixer 0.07 _
vibrator 0.07 _
6) Reinforced cement concrete in situ in foundations, footings, bases for columns, etc excluding form work and reinforcement M3 mason 0.17 The constants for items include mixing, pouring, consolidating and curing. This does not include fair finish.
Labour 2
bhisti 0.9
mixer operator 0.07
mixer 0.07
vibrator 0.07
7) Reinforced cement concrete in situ in suspended floors/roofs excluding form work, and reinforcement. M3 mason 0.24 _
Labour 2.5 _
bhisti 0.9 _
mixer operator 0.07 _
mixer 0.07 _
vibrator 0.07 _
8) Mortars : M3 Labour 0.75 Labour required will be approximately same for different mix proportions.
Mixing by hand, cement mortar of any mix/proportions Bhisti 0.07
9) Brick work (straight walls) : M3 mason 0.94 The constants include labour involved in scaffolding.
Brick work in walls exceeding one brick thick, in cement / lime mortar Labour 1.8
bhisti 0.2
10) Brick work in walls, one brick thick, in cement/lime mortar M2 mason 0.25 The constants could be adopted for brick work with any mix or mortar.
Labour 0.4
bhisti 0.1
11) Formwork : M3 Carpenter 0.25 _
a) fabrication and erection with all supports, struts, braces, etc, and dressing with oil as cleaning of formwork : M2 Labour 0.2 _
1) rectangular column and walls M2 Carpenter 0.23 _
2) suspended floors/roofs Labour 0.2 _
3) sides and soffits of beam Carpenter 0.3 _
Labour 0.2 _
12) Reinforcement: Quintal Bar bender 1 _
Bar reinforcement including cutting to length, hooked ends, cranking or bending, hoisting and placing in any position, binding wire and holding firmly so as not to be disturbed while placing and ramming of concrete Labour 1 _
13) Plastering and pointing : M2 mason 0.08 _
a) 15mm thick cement plaster to ceiling including mixing of mortar. M2 Labour 0.1 _
b) 15mm thick cement plaster on brick walls (exterior) including mixing of mortar M2 bhisti 0.1 _
c) Tuck pointing to random rubble masonry in cement mortar including mixing mortar. mason 0.06 _
Labour 0.1 _
bhisti 0.1 _
mason 0.1 _
Labour 0.15 _
bhisti 0.1 _
14) Damping proof course : M3 Mason 0.1 _
a) Laying damp proof course 40mm thick cement concrete including form work and fair finishing to edges and mixing. Labour 0.1 _
bhisti 0.01 _

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