Projections from Buildings
No projections of any sort what so ever extending more than 23 cm below a height of 4.3m, such as projection on the level of chajja, cornice, water spouts, drains, pipes, advertisement boards and the like shall project over the land of the road or over any drain of the vertical part of the rain water spouts projecting at the road level or the water pipe may be permitted in accordance with the drainage plan.
a) Sunshade over windows and ventilators: Projections of sunshades over windows or ventilators when permitted by the authority shall fulfill the following conditions:
i. Notwithstanding anything contained in these bye-laws, no projection of any sort shall be permitted over the land and the road or over any drain or over any portion outside the boundaries of the site below a height of 2.8 m from the road level.
ii. Sunshades provided above a height of 2.8 m from the ground level shall be permitted to project upto a maximum width of 60 cm if the road over which they project exceeds 9m in width.
iii. No projection of any sort whatever shall be permitted on roads less than 9m in width or on roads having no footpaths.
b) Porticos in existing developed areas: Porticos may be allowed in such roads as can leave a minimum clear space of 18m between kerbs or if a stipulation has been made for such construction in the lease deed or in such cases where its construction would completely fall in a gap in the existing arcade, provided that these shall be constructed as follows:
i. It shall not be less than 3m wide and is either cantilevered or supported on thin steel or RCC pillars.
ii. Nothing shall be allowed to be constructed on the portion which shall be used as an open terrace.
iii. Nothing shall be allowed to project beyond the line of arcades.
iv. The space under the portion shall be paved and channeled according to the directions of the authority.