Building Construction Miscellaneous Regulations

Distance Of Buildings From Electric Lines

No verandah, balcony, saiban or the like be allowed to be erected or re-erected or any additions or alterations made to a building with the distances (quoted below) as per the current Indian Electricity Rules and its amendments from time to time between the buildings and any overhead electric supply line.

Voltage line
Vertically (meters)
Horizontally (meters)
(a) Low and medium voltage lines and service lines.
2.4 m
1.22 m
(b) High voltage lines upto and including 33000 V.
3.66 m
1.83 m
(c) Extra high voltage lines beyond 33000 V
3.66 m (plus 0.3 m for every additional 33000 V or part thereof)
1.83 m (plus 0.3 m for every additional 33000 V or part thereof)

Minimum thickness of load bearing walls excluding plaster for residential or business masonry walled buildings:

The strength of masonry walls depends on a number of factors such as the quality of bricks, mortar, method of bonding, unsupported height and length, eccentricity in loading, the position and amount of openings in the wall, the location of longitudinal and cross-wall and combination of various external loads to which the walls are subjected. The walls should be designed taking into account the various factors discussed above, such that the stresses in the walls do not exceed the safe permissible limits.

Requirements For Specific Uses (Regulations For Building Construction):

Parking spaces:

Parking spaces for cars required for cinemas, shopping centres and offices in central areas shall be as given below:

Shopping areas: One car for 440 square meter of plinth area of shops.

Offices: One car for 600 square meter plinth area of offices.

Scales of areas required for parking cars, scooters, motor cycles and bicycles shall be as below:

Cars – 24 sq.m

Scooter / motor cycles – 2.8 sq.m

Bicycles – 1.4 sq.m

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